Vaginal tampon: Features and Use
Control bleeding is the common point of all surgeries. Therefore, the surgical team is always looking for a solution to the problem of how to reduce the amount of bleeding during the surgery to reduce the complications caused by bleeding and blood transfusion to the patients. One of the recommended and widely used techniques in surgeries is to use vaginal tampons or wide strip tampons to absorb blood and secretions. These meshes are made in two types, simple and radiopaque, and in this article, we introduce simple vaginal meshes.
What are vaginal tampons (strip tampons) and what do they do?
Vaginal mesh or vaginal strip tampon is one of the types of non-absorbable tampons that are used to control bleeding in various surgeries including general surgery such as liver and spleen and abscesses, urology such as prostate, otorhinolaryngology, gynecology, orthopedics, etc is used.
Other names of the product include the laparoscopic mesh, wide mesh, and strip tampon. It should be noted that strip tampons can have different lengths and widths.
Different types of AJP tampons
Asia Jarah Pishro Company produces various types of surgical tampons so that the surgeon can use the most appropriate tampon according to the surgical site.
- Nasal tampon (Simple and radiopaque)
- Vaginal tampon (Simple and radiopaque)
The first type is usually used in delicate surgeries such as nose surgery, and the second type is used in abdominal surgery, gynecological surgery, etc. Other tampons produced by Asia Jarah Pishro Company include:
AJP vaginal tampon materials
This product is made of 100% linen thread and sometimes with a combination of biocompatible polyester (silk) threads in a refined form.
The surgeon should choose the radiopaque type of vaginal tampon, if it is used in the internal organs or if the surgeon intends to use the tracking feature of the product. This type of vaginal tampon has barium, which is suitable for tracking by X-ray.
How to use vaginal tampons
First, the surgical team opens the package and takes out the product. According to the dimensions of the bleeding cavity and the discretion of the surgeon, it is cut into smaller pieces or completely inserted into the surgical site to control bleeding.
These tampons are used to compress the bleeding site at the end of the procedure and also to control the contaminated secretions of the site. This product can be used alone or according to the discretion of the surgeon, impregnated with betadine or any other disinfectant. For example, tampons are impregnated with betamethasone to reduce sensitivity and inflammation or antibiotics to prevent infection and adhesion.
Features of the AJP simple vaginal tampon
- Appropriate flexibility
- High absorption of blood and secretions
- It has the right length and width to fully cover the bleeding site
- No lint to prevent allergies
- Lack of adhesion
- Standard packaging
- Sterilization with a reliable method (ethylene oxide gas)
Complications of vaginal mesh
- Mesh migration
- Extrusion or erosion
- Continual chronic pain
- Nerve damage
Why use a simple vaginal tampon of AJP brand?
- The goal of Asia Jarah Pishro Company has always been to produce high-quality products to grab the attention of customers in Iran and foreign markets.
- This company has strengthened its production base by establishing the ISO 13485 quality control system and designing the clean room based on the risk class of the products.
- In the continuation of the path, we will use all our efforts to implement the necessary standards in the field of product quality with the help of the research and development team.
- On the other hand, the production of medical supplies requires proper training for the production personnel that will ultimately lead to the production of a high-quality “vaginal tampon (mesh)”.
There is a lot of focus on the quality of this product, its packaging, and sterilization; because in addition to bleeding control, infection control is also very important.
For the reasons mentioned, this product has met all the requirements of General Department of Medical Equipment and Food and Drug Administration. This product also has a license for manufacturing medical devices, IRC code, GTIN, Iran code, etc.
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